Ole Magnus Saxegård

And while we are speaking of creative people looking for work; Ole Magnus Saxegård is a freelance motion designer and animator currently searching for something to do in Oslo. He has studied at University of Technolgy in Sydney for the last 5 years and worked at The Solid State, and I noticed him for the first time with his animation film called “history of evil”. Now he is back, looking for work and in order to get on, he has made this amazing showreel. Take a look at it over, press more to see “history of evil” and somebody; give this man a job!!

‘A History of Evil’ was intended to show what people have believed in and pointed to as evil throughout history. It was meant to get you to think about what evil really is. It is meant to show that when we get too obsessed with “evil” we might end up taking part in it ourselves´

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