A staircase handrails is normally used to lead and support people, but when I saw this LED staircase handrail designed by Zoran Sunjic from Croatia, I must admit my thoughts were something like ”ahh, why haven’t anyone thought of that before?”. Not only would this design light up dark spaces but it would also function as a guiding light, witch symbolise comfort and security in the dark. I can easily imagine how this could be really great in a metro or subway stations where you can get a bit confused by all the directions and stairways under ground. With different coloured light you would easily orientate and follow the light to find your way.
In this big internet jungle it's so many good and bad design blogs and websites for people like us (involuntarily curious and addicted to news feeds about everything that has to do with design and culture/events). That's why we decided to have our own blog where the idea is that we post all the fun and interesting stuff we find out there. This is where we write our hearts out!
We've chosen the name Playmedesign so everybody can look at this blog as an open playground to play in ;)
Spread the word- Let's play!
P.S. Please contact us if you have any designs you would like us to see, if you have some feedback or ideas for our blog:contact@playmedesign.com
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