Omar Seluj Eyewear

So spring is right around the corner and soon the most important accessorise will be sunglasses. Personally I have a big box of them already, but you can never really have to many, can you? The Australian eye-wear designer Omar Seluj is out with his debut-collection of two different styles of sunglasses, that comes in three different colours each. It’s only a limited edition but it sure looks good!

Via the Grafik Museum

10 kommentarer:

eyewear said...

These are some really nice pair of sunglasses. What I like the most is the fact that they are not big, like most of the pairs in fashion nowadays.

italian eyewear said...

These glasses are very nice, but if you want quality sunglasses or eye glasses, buy a pair of Italian ones. Prada, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, are the most famous brands in what eye wear is concerned.

designer eyewear said...

Eyewear is not just about improving your vision or protecting your eyes any more. These days, eyeglasses and sunglasses are often purchased as wardrobe accessories rather than as necessities and designer eyewear in particular is all about style and high fashion.

koreaoptical said...

Wow, look at how many great pairs of sunglasses are posted here. I like them because they are colored and send a feeling of happiness and joy.

just optical said...

These sunglasses are indeed, very cute.

FashionFrames said...

The frame's shape is mostly the same for all these glasses. What makes them special are the colors.

designersunwear said...

What better way to accessorize and look good in summer than wearing a fashionable pair of sunglasses?

actioneyewear said...

I'm into sunglasses only when sports is in discussion.Your eyewear needs to fit your game, not the other way around. Whether it’s sunglasses, prescription eyewear, safety goggles or other eye protection, action eyewear needs to fit the criteria of your game.

customoptics said...

While stock eyewear frames will work for most people who need or want eyeglasses, personally, I want more. More colors, retro designs, or even just something extra special or that has meaning for me.

hardcontacts said...

When it comes to fashionable eyewear, I prefer colored contact lenses, rather than sunglasses.

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