All work and no play, makes us some dull bloggers...

So PlayMeDeisgn has been a little more quiet than normal the last couple of weeks. Why? Well because we are all in our last year of different design degrees, and it’s in the middle of final exams and thesis. So in order to make it up to you that we are not as productive here on playmedesign right now, we thought we could show you what we are all working on.. So press more to take a look at what we do!

Kirsti is our fashion designer that for the last three years has been drawing and sewing her ass of at Istituto Marangoni in Milano. This dress is part of her thesis-collection called "Bloom" and Kirsti was inspired by the cold colors and the life under ocean in the Nordic parts of the world, where we are from. She have also made this drawing into an outfit, and if you are in Milan on the 2.july, you can see it on the big and fancy catwalk for the Marangoni fashion Show!

Camilla and Tine are our graphic designers! They are totally stressed out right now, but I managed to squeeze something out of them…

Camilla is working on a packaging project for a fish restaurant. The packaging is for take away for kids (picture coming soon). Other wise you can check out more of her nice works at

Tine is right now working on her one webpage ( Here is a sneak-peek on how it will look when it gets ready to se the light of day during this summer.


Me and Natalie are both graduating in Industrial design the 25 this month. So with not many days left until the thesis presentations we are both freaking out a little bit!

Natalie is currently working on a jewelry collection for here thesis, where you send vibrations to the other person instead of written messages. This way it becomes very personal and intimate between the two people, and perfect for sending a personal message exactly when you feel like it. (Without disturbing others). The project is inspired form here LoveWatch-project (the video over).You can take a closer look at this project on Besides all of that she is also working on a project of learning Second Life in 20 days, and you can read more about that at

I (Julia) am spending my days making a model of a ladder-chair called chair me up. My thesis revolves around the question "why don’t adults jump in puddles or climb in trees anymore?". After a long search for an answer to this question I ended up with the idée to make a product that would make it easier for adults to get up in a tree, to just sit there, relax and see things in a different view. To read more about this check out

That was It! Bare with us for a couple of weeks more, and we promise to come back stronger and better! Julia

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